About Us

Mission Statement
Cocochine Coffee is focused on selling authentic specialty Vietnamese coffee to the market. The lack of options and knowledge around Vietnamese coffee in the industry has largely ignored this part of the coffee market. Coffee sourced from Vietnam is mainly sold as instant coffee or used to support a coffee blend. However, we at Cocochine Coffee believe it has the potential to compete with its South American and African counterparts and be part of the mainstream, if not better.
Company History
Cocochine Coffee journey started in late 2020 and was created from the frustration of the coffee industry in Australia. It came to our attention that most coffee that is being supplied to Australian cafes are mainly coffee sourced from South America and Africa. Our founder who is of Vietnamese descent, was disappointed that Vietnam, being the world’s 2nd producer of coffee in the world is nowhere to be seen in cafes but are instead found at Asian groceries as a cheap source of instant coffee. The huge potential that these coffee beans can have are being ignored. This is the foundation of how Cocochine Coffee was founded and our journey to promote Vietnamese sourced coffee to the masses.

Coffee Industry Summary
The global coffee industry is estimated to be worth around $100bn USD, with the Australian market to be worth $5.5B USD in 2019. With the top 3 largest exporters are ranked in the following order: Brazil, Vietnam and Columbia. Even though Vietnam is the world’s 2nd producer of coffee, it isn’t well known to be used for espresso at a café compared to its South American and African counterparts, instead it is mostly used for instant coffee due to being a cheap source of coffee. There is also a stigma towards the Robusta bean that is mainly produced in Vietnam as being “inferior” compared to the more popular arabica bean. Our business will focus on being a supplier of quality Vietnamese coffee and to promote its use in cafes across Australia making it readily accessible.
Inspiration for Logo and Name
The Lac Bird (Chim Lac) – A large mythical bird of Vietnamese culture.
This bird appears on many traditional Dong Son bronze
drums and has long been a symbol of the Vietnamese people who dream big. It is a symbol associated with Vietnamese history dating back thousands of years.
Inspired by its image, we have chosen it as the logo for Cocochine Coffee. The bird with its youthful red color flying high, convey the message of expressing the spirit, dreams, and aspirations that Cocochine Coffee wants to achieve for its brand. It is not just making quality coffee, it is sending a statement.
As for the name Cocochine, it was derived from when Vietnam was divided into 3 parts. The north was called Tonkin, the central was called An Nam and the south was called Cochinchina. This was during the time of French Colonization around the mid 19th century. It was also during this time when the French introduced coffee to Vietnam and thus started Vietnam's love of the beverage.